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Out Now: Tree Of The Afterlife (Forgotten Gods #17)

 Tree Of The Afterlife Laura Greenwood Forgotten Gods

Welcoming souls to the afterlife is only part of Amentet's job.

When one of the Nariu escapes from the afterlife, Amentet finds herself having to work alongside a god she can't stand in order to find him and bring him back to the caverns where he belongs. 

While Horakhty might get under Amentet's skin, there's no doubt that the two of them work well together, if they can put aside their differences for long enough to manage it.

Tree Of The Afterlife is part of the Forgotten Gods series and is based on Egyptian mythology. It includes a m/f romance, and can be read as a standalone.

If you enjoy Egyptian mythology, gods and goddesses, quests and adventures, and a modern setting, then you should start the Forgotten Gods series!