If you want to be notified of ARCs, you can join my ARC team by signing up below.
- You are not required to review every book.
- It is highly appreciated if you review within a month of downloading the ARC copy.
- Please do not share ARCs with anyone else.
- It is highly appreciated if you post reviews on as many retailers & review sites as possible.
- If you'd prefer to sign up for a single book, you can check the ARC Opportunities page.
Q: What should I include in my reviews?
You can include whatever you want in your reviews that is related to the book/series you're reviewing. Due to policy restrictions on various retailers, I cannot comment or make suggestions about what should be included in reviews. I do ask that you refrain from including personal details about my life in your reviews.
Q: What if I find an error while ARC reading?
You can report it via the report an error form. I don't respond to individual error reports, but I do use the form when I make updates to book files. Using the form ensures I don't miss any errors when I'm making the updates.
Q: Do I have to read and review every book?
No! I realise that I write multiple sub-genres of fantasy & romance, so I do also realise that not every series is for every reader. You can skip whichever ARCs you want.
Q: Are you going to remove people for not reviewing?
I'll only be removing inactive members of the team once every three months - so I can see from records (submitted via the ARC submission form) that you're an active member (defined as at least one review within the previous three months), you won't be removed.
Q: Have I been removed from the ARC Team?
There are some automatic processes in place that do sometimes mean people are removed erroneously. If this happens to you, then I recommend resubscribing if you still wish to receive ARCs. Alternatively, you may have been removed from the team for one of the following reasons: sharing files, inappropriate review content, consistent non-reviewing. Inappropriate includes but is not limited to: sharing personal details of my life, homophobic, racist, or otherwise discriminatory comments, profanity. As a policy, I do not discuss reasons for removal. If you believe there has been a mistake, please resubscribe.
Q: Where can I submit reviews?
You can use the ARC submission form. You only need to put in one link for it to count and you don't have to submit more than once.
Q: What if I don't like one of your books?
If it's just one, don't worry about it. Write your review the way you want to, but please don't email me or tag me in negative reviews. If you've not enjoying multiple of my books/series, then the ARC team might not be for you.
Q: What if I DNF one of your books?
Nothing. You can just follow your normal DNF protocol. You don't need to tell me. So long as you've been an active member of the team within the previous three months, it won't change your status on the team.
Q: How do I find out the information about the book like the heat level, genre, or any triggers?
The information will be included in the ARC email I send out. You can also check out more information about heat levels within series on the Heat Level Guide page on my website.
Q: What happens if I need to read previous books in the series?
For a series where continuous reading is preferable, I'll make sure they're accessible when I send out an ARC. They are still review copies, so reviews are appreciated.