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The Apprentice Of Anubis

Urban Fantasy in an Alternate Timeline

An urban fantasy series set in an alternative world where the Egyptian empire still rules. It follows a new priestess of Anubis, Ani, as she navigates temple politics and uncovers something she can't ignore.

Series Overview: 
Point of View: single, first person
Point of View Character: Ani (except side story)
Heat Level: low
Relationship Type: m/f
Build: slow
Cliffhangers: yes 
Tense: present 
Cover Designer: Ryn Katyrn (main series)

Apprentice Of The Dead The Apprentice Of Anubis Laura Greenwood Initiate of the Jackal Laura Greenwood The Apprentice Of Anubis Novice of the Afterlife The Apprentice Of Anubis Laura GReenwood Secrets Of The Chosen The Apprentice Of Anubis Laura Greenwood Priestess Of The Tombs The Apprentice Of Anubis Laura Greenwood Creator of the Curse The Apprentice Of Anubis Laura Greenwood Succession Of The Temple The Apprentice Of Anubis Laura Greenwood Festival Of The Blessed Laura Greenwood The Apprentice Of AnubisDeath Of The Pharaoh Laura Greenwood The Apprentice of Anubis Procession Of The King The Apprentice Of Anubis Laura Greenwood Court Of The Queen The Apprentice Of Anubis Laura Greenwood Assistant Of The Gods The Apprentice Of Anubis Laura GreenwoodCity Of The Forgotten Laura Greenwood The Apprentice Of Anubis Catacombs Of The Betrayed The Apprentice Of Anubis Laura Greenwood

Map Of The London Temple Of Anubis

If you love Egyptian mythology, alternative versions of the modern day, temple politics, slow-burn workplace romance, and a world where the gods are real, then start the Apprentice Of Anubis series today with Apprentice Of The Dead.

Apprentice Of The Dead

Book #1

Mummification lessons, a new jackal familiar, and temple politics...Ani never expected serving Anubis to be this complicated.

When Ani becomes the first apprentice to be Blessed by Anubis in years, she finds herself thrown into a world she only ever hoped to be part of.

Between learning how to an embalmer, being the new owner of a sacred jackal, and a budding rivalry turned friendship with the High Priest's son, Ani has her hands full.

But when she uncovers a plot that could bring the temple to its knees, she has to decide whether to risk her place at the temple, or let the injustice slide by unnoticed.

Can she stop the plot before it's too late?


Apprentice Of The Dead is book 1 in the Apprentice Of Anubis, an urban fantasy series based on Egyptian mythology and featuring a slow-burn friends-to-lovers workplace romantic subplot, a jackal familiar, and the duties of an embalmer.

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When reading The Apprentice Of The Dead, I could tell that Egypt is a passion of Laura Greenwood. She transports us into a vivid, parallel Egyptian London where Ani is getting ready for the Day Of Choosing. When she's Blessed by an adorable jackal, the symbol of Anubis, she starts her journey in becoming a priestess for his temple. I really enjoyed some of the more technical scenes where Ani was dealing with her mummification duties and uncovering a nefarious operation. The story moves at a great pace with a lot of intricate details that make the world come alive. It's a unique setting done justice by great writing, likeable characters, and Laura's knowledge of Ancient Egypt. I'll be waiting on the edge of my seat for the rest of the series. - Arizona Tape, USA Today Bestselling Author


Initiate Of The Jackal

Book #2

Bodies are disappearing and the investigation leads Ani to uncover how many secrets the Temple of Anubis has been keeping.

With her first mummification test looming, and her lessons about being Blessed by Anubis taking up her time, the last thing on Ani's mind is uncovering more temple secrets.

But when Nik discovers a missing body, she knows it's only a matter of time before her friend starts getting her into trouble again.

And that's without dealing with the fact she's accidentally dating Prince Ramesses.

If only the dead were the only thing she had to worry about.


Initiate Of The Jackal is book 2 in the Apprentice Of Anubis, an urban fantasy series based on Egyptian mythology and featuring a slow-burn friends-to-lovers workplace romantic subplot, a jackal familiar, and the duties of an embalmer.

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Novice Of The Afterlife

Book #3

With no idea whom to trust, Ani knows it's up to her and Nik to uncover the corruption in the temple.

As a trainee priestess, Ani's life has been far from boring, and now she has to face the fact that her superiors are ignoring missing bodies.

Despite the changing nature of her relationship with Nik, she knows working with him is the only way she's going to get to the bottom of the mysterious disappearances of the dead, and put a stop to them before the wrong person finds out.

Ani has decisions to make, and they're not getting any easier. At least she has her trusty sacred jackal by her side to help.


Novice Of The Afterlife is book 3 in the Apprentice Of Anubis, an urban fantasy series based on Egyptian mythology and featuring a slow-burn friends-to-lovers workplace romantic subplot, a jackal familiar, and the duties of an embalmer.

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Secrets Of The Chosen

Book #4

A rival Blessed, family drama, and a High Priest determined to punish them make Ani and Nik's jobs harder than they should be.

When Ani and Nik travel to the York Temple of Anubis to oversee the burial rites of a distant relative of Nik's, the last thing they expect is to find themselves uncovering more temple secrets.

With a new Blessed at the temple, a body to prepare, and their concerns over what might be happening in London to contend with, they already have their hands full.

Can Ani call on a favour from her mentor in order to uncover the truth behind the temple's new Blessed apprentice?


Secrets Of The Chosen is book 4 in the Apprentice Of Anubis, an urban fantasy series based on Egyptian mythology and featuring a slow-burn friends-to-lovers workplace romantic subplot, a jackal familiar, and the duties of an embalmer.

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Priestess Of The Tombs

Book #5

Not even the Temple of Anubis can escape Ma'at's judgement.

Ani thought being assigned to tomb duty was the worst thing that was going to happen now she and Nik are back at the London Temple of Anubis, until Ma'at's priestesses show up.

With every inch of the temple under inspection, Ani knows it's only a matter of time before they find something that brings the world as they know it crashing down around them.

Can Ani and Nik survive the investigation with their jobs, and their relationship, intact?


Priestess Of The Tombs is book 5 in the Apprentice Of Anubis, an urban fantasy series based on Egyptian mythology and featuring a slow-burn friends-to-lovers workplace romantic subplot, a jackal familiar, and the duties of an embalmer.

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Creator Of The Curse

Book #6

Ani and Nik pay the price for meddling with the Temple of Ma'at.

With the Temple of Anubis currently under investigation, Ani and Nik are busier than ever with their priestly duties.

And when Ani is called upon to deal with the funeral arrangements of a high-profile family, she finds herself tested to the limit.

Can they manage to keep serving the dead without losing sight of themselves completely?


Creator Of The Curse is book 6 in the Apprentice Of Anubis, an urban fantasy series based on Egyptian mythology and featuring an established couple, a jackal familiar, and the duties of an embalmer.

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Succession Of The Temple

Book #7

Electing a new High Priest for the Temple of Anubis comes with complications, especially when Ani's the one in charge.

With the elections for High Priest around the corner, Ani discovers that has more responsibility around the temple than she ever thought possible.

Between wanting to support her choice of successor to the role, her continuing mummification training, and having to get used to Nik acting as her assistant, she has her hands full.

Will the London Temple of Anubis make the right decision about who should be their new High Priest?


Succession Of The Temple is book 7 in the Apprentice Of Anubis, an urban fantasy series based on Egyptian mythology and featuring an established couple, a jackal familiar, and the duties of an embalmer.

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Festival Of The Blessed

Book #8

As one of the select few Blessed by the gods, Ani has to do the worst thing she can possibly think of...socialise. 

Having only just come to terms with her status as Anubis Blessed, the last thing Ani wants is to be thrust into the spotlight, but with the Festival Of The Blessed starting throughout London, there's no way she can avoid it. 

Despite being in the middle of a mummification, Ani has duties outside the temple to attend to, but with Matia and Nik by her side, she is determined to make her temple proud.
Festival Of The Blessed is book 8 in the Apprentice Of Anubis, an urban fantasy series based on Egyptian mythology and featuring an established couple, a jackal familiar, and the duties of an embalmer.

If you love Egyptian mythology, alternative versions of the modern day, temple politics, slow-burn workplace romance, and a world where the gods are real, then start the Apprentice Of Anubis series today with Apprentice Of The Dead. 

Death Of The Pharaoh

Book #9

The death of the Pharaoh summons Ani to the last place she expected to be... Egypt.

With all of the Anubis Blessed being called to Egypt to help prepare the Pharaoh for his final resting place, Ani finds herself subject to a new set of temple politics and everything that comes with it. 

But with Nik and Maita by her side, she knows she can face anything, even fellow Anubis Blessed priests and summons from royalty. 
Death Of The Pharaoh is book 9 in the Apprentice Of Anubis, an urban fantasy series based on Egyptian mythology and featuring an established couple, a jackal familiar, and the duties of an embalmer.

If you love Egyptian mythology, alternative versions of the modern day, temple politics, slow-burn workplace romance, and a world where the gods are real, then start the Apprentice Of Anubis series today with Apprentice Of The Dead.


Procession Of The King

Book #10

Even the Pharaoh's funeral isn't enough to stop temple politics.

With the mummification of the Pharaoh almost complete, and the funeral looming, there's a whole new range of complications for Ani. The other Blessed of Anubis all have their own agendas, and some of them don't seem to be too impressed by hers.

But with the support of the new Pharaoh, and her determination to prove her worth, Ani refuses to be stopped, especially not when there's a duty to Anubis to uphold. 


Procession Of The King is book 10 in the Apprentice Of Anubis, an urban fantasy series based on Egyptian mythology and featuring an established couple, a jackal familiar, and the duties of an embalmer.

If you love Egyptian mythology, alternative versions of the modern day, temple politics, slow-burn workplace romance, and a world where the gods are real, then start the Apprentice Of Anubis series today with Apprentice Of The Dead.

Court Of The Queen

Book #11

As if temple politics wasn’t enough, now Ani has to deal with the royal court.

Having aided with the mummification of the previous Pharaoh, Ani is somewhat surprised to discover she's expected to stay in Egypt for longer, this time to serve during the coronation of the next one. 

Despite her budding friendship with the new Queen, Ani thought she'd be at home, but instead, she's dealing with the displeasure of the High Blessed, attention from the royal court, and run-ins with her sort-of-ex. 

At least she doesn't have to do it alone, and with Nik and Matia by her side, she can do anything. 

Court Of The Queen is book 11 in the Apprentice Of Anubis, an urban fantasy series based on Egyptian mythology and featuring an established couple, a jackal familiar, and the duties of an embalmer.

If you love Egyptian mythology, alternative versions of the modern day, temple politics, slow-burn workplace romance, and a world where the gods are real, then start the Apprentice Of Anubis series today with Apprentice Of The Dead.

Assistant Of The Gods

Book #12

Returning home has never felt so good. 

Ani never thought she'd be so happy to return to the London Temple of Anubis, but with a wedding to plan, her duties as Blessed, and Nik's Favoured Test on the horizon, it's safe to say she has her hands as full as ever. 

Assistant Of The Gods is book 12 in the Apprentice Of Anubis, an urban fantasy series based on Egyptian mythology and featuring an established couple, a jackal familiar, and the duties of an embalmer.

If you love Egyptian mythology, alternative versions of the modern day, temple politics, slow-burn workplace romance, and a world where the gods are real, then start the Apprentice Of Anubis series today with Apprentice Of The Dead.

City Of The Forgotten

Book #13

Heading underground leads Ani to discover more about herself than she thought possible. 

Having been assigned to the catacombs under London, Ani finds that damp and poor embalming conditions have led to a lot of the coffins and bodies being in a state of disrepair. 

As the team working in the catacombs do their best to undo the worst of the damage, Ani finds herself questioning the conditions of the poorest burials in London, and what she can do to make them better. 

Despite the odds, she's determined to find a solution that pleases herself, Anubis, and the temple as a whole. 
City Of The Forgotten is book 13 in the Apprentice Of Anubis, an urban fantasy series based on Egyptian mythology and featuring an established couple, a jackal familiar, and the duties of an embalmer.

If you love Egyptian mythology, alternative versions of the modern day, temple politics, slow-burn workplace romance, and a world where the gods are real, then start the Apprentice Of Anubis series today with Apprentice Of The Dead.

Catacombs Of The Betrayed

Book #14

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There will be more books in The Apprentice Of Anubis series.

Side Stories from the Egyptian Empire

Cover Designer: Vampari Designs (Egyptian Empire side stories) 

feline of mourning the egyptian empire laura greenwood Scales Of Honesty The Egyptian Empire Laura Greenwood Crown Of Grief The Egyptian Empire Laura Greenwood Duty To The Dead Egyptian Empire The Apprentice Of Anubis Legacy Of Wings The Egyptian Empire The Apprentice Of Anubis Scales Of Justice Laura Greenwood

Feline Of Mourning

Side Story #4.5

When Neffie switches shifts with another one of Bastet's priestesses, the last thing she expects is to lose one of the sacred cats. 

With her job on the line, she embarks on a mission across London to try and find the cat. 

Can she find it before she earns the eternal displeasure of her goddess?

Feline Of Mourning is a standalone companion story to The Apprentice Of Anubis series, a modern fantasy set in an alternative version of London where the Egyptian Empire never fell.

The events of Feline Of Mourning are standalone, but are set between chapters 3 and 4 of Secrets Of The Chosen.

Bookfunnel (free)

Scales Of Honesty

Side Story #8.5

Being a priestess for the goddess of truth and justice is not for the faint-hearted.

Taia always thought she and fellow Ma'at Blessed priest, Metjen, were inseparable. When he starts avoiding her, she questions whether their bond is as strong as she thought it was.

A big festival to celebrate the temples in London comes with a test of Taia's devotion and the goddess of truth and justice is not one to displease.

Can Taia and Metjen figure out what's causing the problems between them before they risk losing the blessing of their goddess?


Scales Of Honesty is a standalone companion story to The Apprentice Of Anubis series, an urban fantasy set in an alternative version of London where the Egyptian Empire never fell. Scales Of Honesty can be read as a standalone. The events take place during the events of Festival Of The Blessed.

Crown Of Grief

Side Story #9.5

Grief and power were always going to go hand in hand for the heir to the Empire, but that doesn't mean Iset is prepared.

When Iset discovers her father is sick, she has to come to terms with exactly what that means, including the possibility that she'll be ruling an empire much sooner than she expected to be.

After the worst news she can imagine, Iset isn't sure she has what it takes to organise mummification, and funerals, as well as juggle the politics of becoming the new Pharaoh.

But with her Sekhmet Blessed bodyguard by her side, perhaps she stands a chance.


Crown Of Grief is a standalone companion story to The Apprentice Of Anubis series, an urban fantasy set in an alternative version of Cairo where the Egyptian Empire never fell. Scales Of Honesty can be read as a standalone. The events take place during the events of Death Of The Pharaoh & Procession Of The King.

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Crown Of Grief was an intense read because it deals very openly with grief. It might be set in a fantasy world but the story is very real. The main character loses her father in the book and there are some haunting but beautiful scenes as she examines what her life will be like with him gone and how to move on. While it's a heavy topic, the book is brightened by intriguing Egyptian mythology, a supportive love interest, and an adorable lioness who thinks she's a pet. I know the book was written by the author to process her own grief and it certainly had me reaching for tissues. A hopeful story that tackles a really heavy topic in a thoughtful and emotional way. - Arizona Tape, USA Today Bestselling Author

Duty To The Dead

Side Story #11.5

Is learning the art of mummification everything Dhara wants it to be? 

After Dhara is chosen as one of the newest apprentices at the London Temple of Anubis, she's thrown into life at the temples, from learning about embalming, to the protective amulets used for the dead. 

With the help of her mentor, she learns precisely what she needs in order to make it to ordination and to become a full Priestess Of Anubis. 

Duty To The Dead is a standalone companion story to The Apprentice Of Anubis series, an urban fantasy set in an alternative version of London where the Egyptian Empire never fell. Duty To The Dead can be read as a standalone. The events take place during the events of Death Of The Pharaoh through to Court Of The Queen. 

If you love Egyptian mythology, alternative versions of the modern day, temple politics, and slow-burn workplace romance, then start the Apprentice Of Anubis series today with Apprentice Of The Dead.

Legacy Of Wings

Side Story #15.5

A family legacy is a lot to live up to - especially for Nephthys’ newest apprentice.

Shan knows her parents expect a lot from her, especially when it comes to which of the Egyptian gods she'll serve after the Day of Choosing. 

Despite knowing what she wants, Shan finds herself questioning her place in the temple, and whether Nephthys has chosen to bless her with magic for the right reasons. But with her twin brother, and his best friend, by her side encouraging her, can she finally claim the place that's rightfully hers?


Legacy Of Wings is a standalone companion story to The Apprentice Of Anubis & Scales Of Justice series, an urban fantasy set in an alternative version of London where the Egyptian Empire never fell. Legacy Of Wings can be read as a standalone and includes a brother's best friend/friends to lovers m/f romance. 

Currently part of the Young At Heart Charity Anthology

The Apprentice Of Anubis Boxed Sets

 The Apprentice Of Anubis Boxed Set 1 The Apprentice Of Anubis Boxed Set 1 The Apprentice Of Anubis Boxed Set 1 The Apprentice Of Anubis Boxed Set 1 

Volume 1

Books 1-3

Volume 2

Books 4-6

Volume 3

Books 7-9

Volume 4

Books 10-12

Bonus Content from The Apprentice Of Anubis Series

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