Welcome to Laura Greenwood's Bookish Advent Calendar 2022 Edition!
This is the page for 2022's Advent Calendar. For 2023's, following this link: https://www.authorlauragreenwood.co.uk/p/advent-2023.html
Click on the doors to uncover a new freebie from Laura Greenwood every day. Some books are free on retailers, others are available as Bookfunnel downloads until 31st December. All books are free for the entire time, so make sure to check on past days. Each of the books is either a first in series, prequel, or standalone, so you don't need to read anything else before you read them.
For those with Bookfunnel links, signing up to my newsletter is completely optional (if you want to sign up, click the tick box, if you don't, then leave it blank!), but you do need to add your email address in order to get the books.
Happy Holidays - and even happier reading!
You can also access the calendar via this link: https://calendar.myadvent.net/?id=9s3036fgzzy4hc27l4a97o5ew0h9g646
There are also two free winter & Christmas themed anthologies that I'm taking part in this year that you can download via Bookfunnel - Winter Wonders & Christmas Bites.
While the Advent Calendar is completely free, and will remain that way, if you wish to support me, there are a few ways you can:
- Share on Social Media, with your friends, or anyone that you think might like it!
- Leave a review or recommend one of the books you enjoyed.
- You can buy me a hot drink via the button below (it would be tea, because coffee makes me sneeze!)
- Join my Facebook Reader Group or Mailing List (where you'll also be one of the first to learn about my brand new Christmas Freebie coming Christmas Day!)
- Or, you can just enjoy the stories you got from the advent calendar and have a lovely holiday season!