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Out Now: Catacombs Of The Betrayed (The Apprentice Of Anubis #14)

 Catacombs Of The Betrayed The Apprentice Of Anubis Laura Greenwood

The Paris Temple of Anubis is full of secrets, and Ani is determined to figure out what they are.

Under the cover of helping her mentor with a mummification, Ani and Nik are charged with their first inquisitor mission - to discover the secret of what's going on in the catacombs beneath Paris. 

With the unusual choice of burial in the catacombs already testing Ani's faith to the limits, she's not sure she can take any more when she uncovers the truth of what's happening there. 

And with no idea who to trust, Ani's first mission is more intense than she ever imagined possible. 
Catacombs Of The Betrayed is book 14 in the Apprentice Of Anubis, an urban fantasy series based on Egyptian mythology and featuring an established couple, a jackal familiar, and the duties of an embalmer.

If you love Egyptian mythology, alternative versions of the modern day, temple politics, slow-burn workplace romance, and a world where the gods are real, then start the Apprentice Of Anubis series today with Apprentice Of The Dead.