Here's an excerpt from Shifting Forms For Clumsy Shifters - which I hope is as fun as the title makes it sound! Krissi and Jeremy are already proving to be a lot of fun, and even more so now Krissi seems to have made herself a friend!
Copyright 2022 Laura Greenwood, subject to change.
"Krissi!" someone calls before she's able to say anything else.
I turn to see Jeremy jogging towards me in his practice gear.
"Hey, I didn't realise you were practising now," I say.
"Every Monday evening so we're as ready as we can be for Wednesday's game. I see you're doing the same."
"Yes, though I think we're cheering for the basketball team this week." I glance at Grace, but she just nods.
"Ah, that's a shame. I know I'll play better with you cheering from the sidelines." He grins, lighting up his face and giving him a boyish glow.
"I bet you say that to all the cheerleaders," I quip.
"Not so far," he counters. "But your squad is good, so I won't say it's a lie."
I let out a small laugh, surprisingly at ease with him. Maybe it's because I've seen him searching through the fridge for the milk first thing in the morning. I wouldn't have thought it was difficult to find, but he doesn't seem to be an early bird.
"Hopefully we're not going to disappoint," I mumble. "I'm not sure Zara is too impressed with us so far."
"Don't worry about Zara," he says quickly. "She just likes to put on a tough front."
Grace snorts. "That's one way of putting it."
"Jeremy!" One of the other rugby team members gestures at him from the other side of the field.
"I guess that's me," he says. "I'll catch you later?"
"Mmhmm. Have a good practice."
"You too." He gives me a small wave goodbye and hurries over to where the others are already warming up.
"So, who was that?" Grace asks when I turn back to her.
"Oh, he's Jeremy. He's a second year who lives in my flat."
"Does he have a girlfriend?" she asks, a knowing smile on her face.
"I don't think so, but it hasn't really come up."
Grace raises an eyebrow. "Really? Because I'd have thought with all the flirting going on that it would have been the first thing you'd have talked about."
"There wasn't any flirting," I deny quickly.
"Of course there wasn't." She all but winks at me.
I glance over my shoulder to where the rugby guys are hopping over small jumps one after the other. My gaze slips over them until I find Jeremy near the end. He's completely focused on his task and not even thinking about me anymore.
"We're flatmates," I assure her. "Nothing more."
"Yet," Grace teases.
"I'm not looking for anything serious." I want to focus on my classes and on cheering, I don't need the distraction a relationship will bring.
"Who said anything about serious? Just because you don't want to keep the car, it doesn't mean you can't take it for a test drive."
"I can't do that." My voice goes up an octave at the end.
"Why not? I don't think he's going to complain if you do," Grace responds. "And if you don't, then someone else is going to."
I flash one more look in Jeremy's direction and then shake my head.
"And you don't have to decide now," she points out. "You can keep harmlessly flirting for a while first. But be careful, or it'll lead to a drunken kiss and the next thing you know, you're waking up in his bed and discovering how badly he snores."
"Speaking from experience?" I ask.
Grace chuckles. "A bit."
"All right, break's over," Zara calls.
(I promise you I don't have two tiger shifters called Jeremy...he's the same character as appeared in Sabre Woods Academy!)
Obscure Academy
Paranormal Academy Romance
Obscure Academy is a paranormal romance series based at Obscure Academy, where multiple types of supernatural attend. Each book is a standalone with a happy ever after. It is set in the Obscure World.
Series Overview:
Heat Level: Low - Relationship Type: m/f - Build: Fast - Point of View Character: Single first person POV, changes throughout the books - Cliffhangers: No - Tense: Present
Potion Making For Disastrous Witches is currently part of the Midnight Magic Boxed Set.